Trimester | Month | Week |
| one | 1-4 |
two | 5-8 | |
three | 9-13 | |
| four | 14-17 |
five | 18-21 | |
six | 22-26 | |
| seven | 27-30 |
eight | 31-35 | |
nine | 36-40 |
Waist Measurements: 38" at the belly button (Holy Crap that's A whole inch in 1Week
Weigh in: 127lbs according to my home scale.
Pregnancy Symptoms this Week:
- Forgetfulness
insatiable Hunger
My Pregnancy Brain: Its still lost, I cant seem to remember anything and I have the attention span of a gnat. I really hope this is due to the pregnancy if not I'm in trouble.
Pregnancy Prep: We started looking at strollers. We'll hopefully buy one next week. :)
Dr Visits: None this week
What the baby looks like this week: Is about 11 inches long, which is just about one inch shorter than your average 12-inch ruler. Has likely crossed the one-pound mark in weight. Is getting more defined facial features every day, and already looks unmistakably like himself or herself on a 3D ultrasound. Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and she's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath her gums. Her eyes have formed, but her irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.

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