Waist Measurements: 40" at the belly button
Weigh in: 137lbs according to the home scale (I'm not sure if I should trust it)
Pregnancy Symptoms this Week:Pregnancy first this week: I was called a pregnant woman!!! It hasn't fully hit me yet because it kind of shocked me... Who me??? A pregnant Woman??? You think it would have hit me by now!
My Pregnancy Brain: I cant believe I will be holding her in my arms in less than 17 Weeks. I cant wait to wrap her in the blankets I made her, and to stare in her eyes and fall deeply in Love! I can't help but wonder who she will look like. Lastly, I cant wait to see Paul hold her and watch him melt at the sight of his little girl!
Pregnancy Prep: I made something else this week. :) Hopefully I can start on the next one soon. I cant seem to find the fabric anywhere.

Dots! & Pink Zebra!

I Also placed my last order for cloth diapers :) we should be ready to go now!

Newborn and infant size prefolds

Snappies (Pins no longer needed)

Thirsties Diaper cover (I got a pink one)

Mothers Adjustable Diaper Cover
Dr Visits: None this week
Belly Shot:

What the baby looks like this week: Weighs about 1 1/2 pounds and is 13 1/2 inches long. Is growing more hair, with a distinctive color and texture and everything.
My uterus the size of a soccer ball . My fundal measurements have grown about an inch-and-a-half in the past four weeks alone. She's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. Her hands are now fully developed and she spends most of her awake time groping around in the darkness of my uterus. Brain and nerve endings are developed enough now so that she can feel the sensation of touch. Also her nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, have cleared out and she can practice breathing through the nose. The structures of her spine are now made up of 150 joints, 33 rings and some 1,000 ligaments. The capillaries, the teeniest blood vessels, are now forming in her body, giving her formerly translucent skin a pink glow. The blood vessels in the lungs also develop this week.