Waist Measurements: 37" at the belly button
Weigh in: 125lbs
Pregnancy Symptoms this Week:
My Pregnancy Brain: This time around its taking longer to feel "real" probable cause I'm so busy with Katelyn.
Dr Visits: None this week.
Belly Shot:
What the baby looks like this week: He is about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom. His arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. He is now fully assembled; just needs some fattening up and lengthening out. His brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that he may be able to hear our voice now, so looks like its time to start reading aloud, talking to him, and singing to him. Oh yeah!His kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting.
Weigh in: 125lbs
Pregnancy Symptoms this Week:
- itchy
- leg cramps
- upset tummy
- Slight uncomfortableness sleeping
My Pregnancy Brain: This time around its taking longer to feel "real" probable cause I'm so busy with Katelyn.
Pregnancy Prep: We picked a theme for the nursery and bought a pillow.
Dr Visits: None this week.
Belly Shot:
What the baby looks like this week: He is about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom. His arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. He is now fully assembled; just needs some fattening up and lengthening out. His brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that he may be able to hear our voice now, so looks like its time to start reading aloud, talking to him, and singing to him. Oh yeah!His kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting.