Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Week 14
Waist Measurements: 35" at belly button
Weigh In: 120lbs
Pregnancy Symptoms this:
Weigh In: 120lbs
Pregnancy Symptoms this:
- Headache
- Still sick
Pregnancy first this week:
My Pregnancy Brain:
My Pregnancy Brain:
What the baby looks like this week: Is about the size of a peach. From head to bottom measure about 3 1/2 inches. Has a strong, whoosh-whooshy heartbeat See below :). Our baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! The kidneys are producing urine, which s/he releases into the amniotic fluid around him. The liver starts making bile this week and the spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Week 13
Waist Measurements: 34" at belly button
Weigh In: 119lbs
Pregnancy Symptoms this:
Dr Visits: Had a genetic ultrasound.
What the baby looks like this week: Is about three inches long, the size of a jumbo shrimp. Has his or her own unique fingerprints already.
Weigh In: 119lbs
Pregnancy Symptoms this:
- Slight Heartburn
- Very Sick
- Still not hungry... but probably because I've had a really bad cold
Pregnancy first this week: Being really sick. I don't remember the last time I was this sick. Luckily I had friends and family come and help me out so I could better. I also got a comment I was dreading, "welcome to motherhood" I'm sorry yes this comes with the territory but being sick is not what makes motherhood. Being there for my child seeing her grow and guiding her to make the right decisions makes motherhood. Its amazing to me how people feel that being pregnant gives then the right to say what ever they want to you about your lifestyle, body, weight, etc. Nothing has changed I an still an healthy individual, and being pregnant doesn't change any of that. so if you wouldn't say something to be before I had kids or got pregnant please don't think its ok to say it now. its still inappropriate and hurtful.
My Pregnancy Brain: Its finally starting to hit me that in 6ish months i'm going to have two rugrats running around. I know its going to be hectic but I'm sure it will also be just as awesome. I cant wait.
My Pregnancy Brain: Its finally starting to hit me that in 6ish months i'm going to have two rugrats running around. I know its going to be hectic but I'm sure it will also be just as awesome. I cant wait.
Dr Visits: Had a genetic ultrasound.
What the baby looks like this week: Is about three inches long, the size of a jumbo shrimp. Has his or her own unique fingerprints already.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Week 12
What the baby looks like this week: S/he is about two-and-a-half inches long. Already has pretty much every structure, organ and system needed for life, s/he is a perfect little miniature human being. One thing I love is s/he can officially be Bugged By Me. Reflexes have developed, so if I push on my uterus, s/he will squirm and move in response. I love this quote for Alpha mom "you can't feel it, but it sure is fun to imagine getting flipped off by your fetus."
Thursday, September 9, 2010
And then there were 4...
Los Richardsons are happy to announce we are expecting #2
The newest addition to our little family!
The newest addition to our little family!
Welcome Little E.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
1 Year old
A year ago today my life changed forever. I got the greatest gift any person can get. A year ago today I became a mother. I got to hold my baby girl in my arms and fall so deeply in love that it hurts. I thank God for giving me my baby girl and for keeping her healthy and safe. Happy Birthday baby girl! Mommy loves you so much... and please slow down you are growing up too fast.
Language. She talks soooo much now its so awesome to hear her in the mornings playing and talking in her crib. She will entertain herself for a good 20-30 min. I love just listening to her
Language. She talks soooo much now its so awesome to hear her in the mornings playing and talking in her crib. She will entertain herself for a good 20-30 min. I love just listening to her
Motor Skills. She can now stand unassisted for an unlimited amount of time, she also loves to walk outside with her walker, and walk holding mommy or daddies had.
Growing up. She has has a couple of milestones this month, we are starting whole milk, diluted half and half with water for now and we have also flipped the car-seat around, She is such a big girl now. We are also starting the weaning process, we are down to 3 nursing sessions a day.
Katelyn also got to go to the beach this month a play in the sand, she absolutely loved it, although she doesn't quite get why its not ok to eat the sand.
Katelyn also got to go to the beach this month a play in the sand, she absolutely loved it, although she doesn't quite get why its not ok to eat the sand.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
11 Weeks
Waist Measurements: 34" at belly button
Weigh In: 122lbs
Pregnancy Symptoms this:
- The tiredness continues
- still moody
Belly Shot:
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
10 weeks
Waist Measurements: 34.5" at belly button
Weigh In: 120lbs
Pregnancy Symptoms this:
Dr Visits: None this week. change in OB
Belly Shot:
What the baby looks like this week: S/he is officially a fetus by the end of this week. S/he over an inch long, and has a heartbeat strong enough to be heard with a Doppler.
Most importantly the most delicate and critical development period is over. I can breathe a sigh of relief over that.
Weigh In: 120lbs
Pregnancy Symptoms this:
- make the tiredness go away
- postural hypotension
- exhaustion
Dr Visits: None this week. change in OB
Belly Shot:
What the baby looks like this week: S/he is officially a fetus by the end of this week. S/he over an inch long, and has a heartbeat strong enough to be heard with a Doppler.
Most importantly the most delicate and critical development period is over. I can breathe a sigh of relief over that.

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